Monday, December 29, 2008


Ya'll (Can you tell I'm from Ms, or what?!?)--I just I to put this picture of my kids as the header of my blogspot, at least for just a little while. Every time I look at it, it makes me laugh. Those of you that have multiple children, can really understand this. Clayton is always giving Addison LOTS of grief. Well, on our snow day she "let him have it". If you look closely, you can see in one of her hands she has a chunk of ice aiming at him. She wasn't even making snowballs-just picked up ice and threw it at him. Then she started aiming at me-and we had to have some little lessons... Back to the picture, the look on his face is priceless. He's looking at her like, "Oh no, it can't be another block of ice!!" You know how it is--we keep telling our oldest ones that payback will catch up with them, but NOOO, of course they don't believe us. Yes, I was the same way with my younger brother. I know we all have stories. I just had to share a little backup with that picture. I love laughter-and this one sure does bring joy to my heart!! Hope you all had a very blessed Christmas!! May Jesus' love continue to fill you this holiday season. Share His love with someone!!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Christmas Blessings

Hey, Everybody. I hope all is going well with you all. My hubby is Christmas shopping and I actually have a few minutes to blog. Things have been crazy around our house- Clayton had a story board to complete for school. Our children's choir had to sing on a Sun. night-so that meant practices, even just for ONE song... The adult choir finished our program last week-which was very time consuming for me. Johnny had to do a lot of unwanted baby sitting. Last week was 9 wks test at school and also meant cooking for the different teams that I teach with, since I'm sped (work with sped, thank you). We also had to get ready for children's party's (food, teacher's gifts, etc). --Nevermind all the shopping and last minute things for Santa.
I love Christmas-love everything about it-can't wait for my own to get up on Christmas and see what Santa left for them--see the excitement in their eyes. I do, however, dread all the running and going to all the in-laws and step-parents, la-la-la, running the roads all day, listening to the kids whine that they want to get home to play with their new toys. But think back to Christmas morning when the kids run in the living room to see what Santa left. -How they peer into all the gifts that he left behind. As they visit family members throughout the day, they are sure not to leave out one detail about what they received.
As Christians, are we like that? Do we tell others about the Gift that we have received or do we keep it quiet? Do we just mention it occaisionally or live it? I'm guilty of that. Sometimes I'm ashamed of the way I behave-what I SAY isn't always the way I ACT. I'm sure we're all a little guilty of that from time to time. People need hope, especially now more than ever. My music minister reminded us recently that it is up to the people of God to spread the real Hope. Our world is looking for hope--what better gift to give to someone this Christmas than Jesus.
I hope you have a blessed Christmas season. I have people in my family that I know are lost. I am praying that they will receive hope and the Best gift this year!! Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

So Much To Be Thankful For

I have gotten into myspace, and I have really not been fooling with my Google blogger as much. Man, do I sound like a nerd... The myspace is like crack, and you still have all your other motherly and wifely duties that have to be done, on top of important "myspace" time. Come on-where are the priorities here??? LOL...
I have been reflecting back on this week and even this year at the things in my life and realize just how very blessed I am. I will name just a few, though these are only a few. For one, our pastor returned to the pulpit this past week after his triple bypass on Oct.7. The gasoline prices have been decreasing and is making it an easier commute to work and church for us.
For years, I have handled the finances, and things were "okay". After me begging, my husband now does them-well, we more or less share it, I guess. We are much more financially stable today than we were this time last year. For that, I am very thankful.
Our car will be paid off in Dec. I am not only thankful, I am praising the Lord!!! You will probably see me out in the street burning the note and doing a Hallelujah dance on that one!!
My brother's life seems to be turning around. His wife got saved just before they got married, and they have a little boy on the way.
This sounds petty, but I was able to pay for my choir dress that was $150. I griped everytime I had to write a check out for that "stupid dress", but I'm thankful to have a job where I could pay for it.
We pay cash for things that we need/want. If we can't pay for it, we don't need it. There was a time when we couldn't say that. I have not one credit card. I'm not bragging- I'm just glad God got me out of that hole I was in at one time.
We talk all the time about taking little things for granted, but we really do do that all the time. This also sounds silly, and a little gross, but I've had a cold for about 2 months. The kids would ask me if I smelled something, and I would tell them "no", because I haven't been able to breathe. Well, today my 3yr old, Addi, had an accident in her pants. I smelled something, and asked her if she passed gas. I realized the odor was stronger than just gas, so we rushed to the bathroom, and you know the routine from there. Later on, I was griping about it (naturally) to a friend of mine. As I was getting Addi into bed and having her say her prayers, I was patting her back, and the "bathroom moment" came back to me. I remembered that bad smell. Hey, I could smell! Even if it was the smell of poop! I do not think I have ever been thankful for my sense of smell until I didn't have it for about 8 weeks!
Enjoy time with your family and friends. Love them while you can... Be blessed.
God is Good!!

Thursday, November 13, 2008


It's getting late, and it's been a very long day, but blogging is like therapy for me now. I have something that's been burdening me for some time. This is mainly why I haven't posted anything for over a week-because it's been on my mind so heavily.
If you've read very much of this site, or if you know me personally, you know that I am a special ed. teacher. My degree is in Elem. Ed. However, after teaching 8 years in the regular class, I felt God leading me to do something more for those students with learning disabilities. So I asked to be moved to that area. (You read right, I asked!!) I worked toward that goal and passed my specialty area test for sped. Some days I still can't believe that I asked for that position. At one point, I really hated it. But then I just gave in to God's will and accepted that maybe He had me there for a purpose.
My heart really pours out for the students that struggle, I guess mainly because it's all too familiar. God has really allowed me to reach out to my kids and some of their parents through my dyslexia. I think having a "learning disability" has allowed me to "click" with some of my students. I can really teach them that you can still be somebody and do something meaningful with your life-just because you learn differently.
I can't really mention my students, but a lot of them come from a lot of different backgrounds that I am not familiar with. This is the part that's been burdening my heart. These kids deal with things that kids shouldn't have to deal with. Some of them are the parent. Some of them have little to no support because parents work or they just don't know how to do what we're doing now in school. I can relate to that as my son is getting on up there in math. Some students only hear positive things at school. I can tell them I love them-some of them just look at me like I'm crazy. It really reminds me to try to be all of those things to my kids at home-so they don't go to school lacking.
Everybody jokes about parenting-but it is a hard job. Many of us work outside the home and then try to have a Godly family and raise our kids in the Lord. It is not an easy task. You know, seeing and hearing about what some of my students go through-and just teens in general- it really makes me take a long, hard look at myself. Am I spending enough time in His word? Do my children see that and see me praying. Am I conducting myself as a Christian at ALL times-and not just when I think others are looking? Am I doing things that are pleasing to the Lord? Are my children witnessing that, or are they seeing me in "the flesh"? So many times at school, you hear the jargon about children being a product of their environment; which is very true. It's just gotten me to thinking about my own children. What kind of "product" will they be? It's scary, but a lot of that is up to me.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Whew! What a long day this has been!! I guess I'm so tired from the weekend, that I need next weekend to get here so I can catch up. This past weekend, we started our Christmas shopping for the kids. We shopped around and let them point out what they wanted. Of course, Addi just wants Barbies-she'll be easy on the pocket book. Clayton, on the other hand, wants either a Wii or XBOX 360. Johnny's trying to talk him into one that's more economical (and has more games that he can play). Clayton wants the other one... This is the only time of year that we try to go "all out" and really get them what they want. It's so much fun getting them that "perfect thing" and then seeing the smile on their face. Of course, we teach them that Christmas is from Jesus and that He is the only REAL gift. It's real important that they(or all of us) not lose sight of that.

After shopping, Addi started with this nasty nose-after going for a check-up just 3 days before... Then I noticed her ear draining. At least I know her tube is working.

I tried to let Clayton and myself sneak out for church because I didn't want her around all the other kids with her nose like that. Well, that didn't work! She wouldn't let me out of her sight. Little booger-they learn that "sneaking out" trick quickly. Yesterday, when I wanted a nap, I discovered the washer wasn't draining. Luckily, Johnny is a good handyman, and he fixed it (again-for now). Looks like we will have to buy one before too long. Needless to say, I missed my nap, then it was time for church again. And here we are! Today, after school, Clayton announced that he threw his study guide away, by mistake. So here we go-into the school-after 4pm-digging through the trash in his classroom. At least it wasn't nasty garbage... :) The things we will do for our children and their bonus points!!
One of my sweet little "special" students that comes into one of my classes was poking on my arm today. He was saying, "squishy, squishy-Look, Ms. Mathis, your arm is squishy." I told him that was my fat. That didn't bother him-he just loved on me anyway. Kids like that make my day. No matter how fat I am feeling or how rough I look that day, they are always there to love you! I'm so glad our God is like that-AND that He has a great sense of humor!!
Enjoy your day and may it be blessed!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

This One's for the Girls

This is an email that a friend had sent to me. It was too cute not to share.

Now I lay me down to sleep I pray the Lord my shape to keep. Please no wrinkles, Please no bags And please lift my butt before it sags. Please no age spots, Please no gray And as for my belly, Please take it away. Please keep me healthy, Please keep me young, And thank you Dear Lord, For all that you've done. Five tips for a woman..... 1. It is important that a man helps you around the house and has a job. 2. It is important that a man makes you laugh.3. It is important to find a man you can count on and doesn't lie to you. 4. It is important that a man loves you and spoils you. 5. It is important that these four men don't know each other. Foot Note: One saggy boob said to the other saggy boob:'If we don't get some support soon, people will think we're nuts.' Send this to five bright, funny women you know and make their day !!!

Friday, October 31, 2008

A Fun Night on Halloween

Tonight was the night they've waited for since last year...

Playing games at the harvest carnival at our church...

A time for candy...

and Trick-or-Treating fun with friends.

Clayton, Chandler, and Steven wait for the fun to begin.

Clayton and Addi being sweet to each other...

The kids were sooo excited about going Trick-or Treating tonight. After that, we went to our church's harvest carnival. We had hot dogs, cotton candy, games, and MORE CANDY!! They were really well-behaved. Some kids will do anything for a piece of candy!!
In the pictures below, this is Addi with their candy combined! Clayton is playing with his tops he won for a prize at the church. He played with them for hours...

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Makes You Wanna Run Away!!!

As you can tell by the title of this blog, I have reached a point of frustration today. I had to call my doctor and beg her to call me in something for this awful cold I've had for 3 weeks now. She called me in something, but it was really expensive. I got it-but now am feeling guilty about spending almost a week's worth of groceries on 3 medications. Then I get home-the stress of homework, cooking, and attempting to do some housework, along with wiping dirty noses, getting the kids NOT to half kill each other while I'm trying to get all this done. My 8 yr. old thinks he is 15 and can talk to me however and not have to clean his room. Now after I tore his butt up, he is finally cleaning his room!! Sometimes I wish I was a man... I have to remind myself that I am a Christian woman and must act like it at all times, especially in front of my children. Wouldn't it be easy if we could just run away??? I also have to remember that I chose to be a wife and mother-that children ARE a blessing and an inheritance from the Lord. I know this life is one that God allowed me to have. EVEN when I feel like running away, I think about all the blessings and realize it's not so bad afterall. I know things could always be worse!! Now I think I'll go finish cooking supper-- and do some more refereeing!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Happy Birthday to You!!

BFF! Addi and Lacy riding her Barbie tricycle. Lacy came to her party and stayed afterwards to play. They are like two peas in a pod!! Addi and Nano

Princess Addi and her princess birthday cake

Clayton and Mimi

Addison opens her Barbie tricycle.

After the funeral, we met my in-laws and parents at a Mexican restaurant before heading home. Addi and her aunt "Panema"

Johnny's mom and step-dad

My mom and step-dad

At first, Addi cried when they sang "Happy Birthday" to her and put whipped topping on her nose. She was all smiles by the time she ate her sopapilla.

What a busy weekend!!

This past weekend, we had to go to Eddiceton, MS, to a funeral for Johnny's aunt. His sister from TX came in, and we were able to take some pictures. These are taken in Natchez. It's bad that someone has to pass away for your family to be able to get together... My sister-in-law, Pamela, and myself.
Me and Johnny... still smiling after almost 13 years...

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Peace, Totally 80's, and Pumkins

Last night, at bunko, aka mom's night out, we dressed up in costumes. I love acting like a kid!! I guess that's one reason why I teach middle school...

I am dressed as a hippy; which is not at all my personality. My good friend from church, Ashley, is an "80's lady". We had fun bringing up those songs from the day.Of course, a party wouldn't be a party without ketchup and mustard.

I actually took off work today and went with Addi's class to the pumpkin patch. We really had a good time! I saw a group from ACCS, where I graduated from. My kindergarten teacher was there! I haven't seen her in probably 15 years, at least. She even recognized me--said Addi looked just like me "back then".

Waiting for the hayride to begin...

It's pumpkin pickin' time!!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Happy Birthday Mary Addison!!

Today is Addi's 3rd birthday!! In the pictures on the bottom, she was opening her Barbie movie and licking the cake batter. The pictures on the top are the ones I took to make her invitation. Can't you tell she LOVES to be in pictures?? Her brother, on the other hand, could care less.

Yesterday, my cousin, Jeffrey Waycaster got married in Hazelhurst. The reception was somewhere in Brookhaven. Addi had the best time. I got to see family and old church friends that I grew up with and haven't seen in a while. She figured out that she loves to dance!! She danced from the time we arrived until we had to leave. You asked her if she shook her booty on the dance floor, and she starts dancing again. It was fun. She'll have her party next Sat., since today was Sunday--too much stuff to do with church. I hope you have a blessed week! God is good... All the time!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Getting Ready for a Birthday

Addison is turning 3 this coming Sunday! It is hard to believe that my baby girl will be 3 years old. It seems like yesterday that I was on bed rest with her-thinking this day would NEVER come. The funny thing is, back when we were trying to get pregnant with her, my doctor thought I had endometriosis and couldn't get pregnant. Even after the surgery, I was still having trouble. We tried for about a year after the surgery. My doctor was giving me 6 more weeks and then was going to send us to a fertility specialist. The next morning, I was gagging while brushing my teeth. I remembered doing this with Clayton. I didn't know how this could be possible-I'd just gone to the doctor the day before. Well, I took a pregnancy test at work-yes, at work. Needless to say, I didn't have to see the fertility specialist! We often wonder why things don't work out the way WE want them to. Sometimes, we often question God or maybe even blame Him. I'm so glad He is so patient, loving, and understanding.

Yesterday at church, we were climbing the stairs to get her "Bubba" from G-force (children's church). She very patiently took one step at a time-one hand on the rail-the other holding her daddy's hand. Step-by-step she went very carefully. I followed behind-one step (slowly) at a time. When we got to the bottom, we all had to clap and cheer for her great stair climbing success. As I was following Addi and her daddy down those steps, I couldn't help but see the future glance quickly before my eyes. You know, before too long, she will be running up and down those steps, not wanting our help. Things that we cheer for now will embarrass her in a couple of years. Then before you know it, she'll be walking down those steps with her beautiful wedding gown and her daddy holding her hand. Yesterday, I was trying to get her to say this Bible verse (of which she had no interest) "Children, obey your parents in the Lord; for this is right." Ephesians 6:1 It is so important for us Christian parents to bring up our children in the Lord. God has given us an enormous responsibility-we must do our best to be sure that our children know Jesus and they see Jesus living in us.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Prayer Request

We have (and will continue for the next few weeks) fill-in pastors from our church speaking because our pastor is scheduled to have a triple by-pass this Tues., Oct.7, at Baptist Hospital. He's been able to attend services but not able to preach. Last Wed. night after choir practice, we gathered around and all prayed for him and his family. I'm sure this is hard-when he's the one that's used to doing all the "ministering" to others. He's such a good pastor-always there... We were just visiting the church when my dad was dying with cancer. But he came to the hospital faithfully-just about as much as I did. He is a true pastor and a true man of God. His wife, Mrs. Lillian, sings beside me in the choir-just a precious lady and a true picture of what a godly woman should be. Please remember them in your prayers. My pastor's name is Bro. Carl Prewitt. I know they would really appreciate and covet your prayers. Thanks!! I will keep you posted.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Blast from the Past

I was about 7 yrs old. Check out the
pink slippers. Look familiar???

Prom-look at the bows on

my shoes. This is Johnny!!

Doesn't he look excited?

He hated that dress...
'93 Holmes Com. Coll.
Graduation* Check out
all the make-up and the
forest green eyeliner with
the hot pink lipstick. Oh yeah!

After I year-booked myself on that website last week, it gave me the idea to look through
some older photos. Some of them brought back very good memories as I looked through the ones with us showing what we had gotten for Christmas, being together for Easter, holidays, etc. I found some graduation photos-I'll have to add them when I have more time. They are funny-
Of course, the ones with my dad and grandfather tugged on my heart, because I no longer have them on Earth. It was so good to laugh-and cry... Some of the HS pics I thought about friends that have gotten killed in the last 18 years. My close friends-weddings, births, miscarriages, loss of parents, graduating college, buying our first car (and paying for it), one of them-even cancer, and sending our own children to K5 for the first time-lots of things that a close few of us have been through together. There were a lot of memories that I pondered through in those pictures. It makes you think-of all the memories, when I'm gone, what will I be remembered for? Will it be for being funny? A hard-working student that had dyslexia and still beat the odds and graduated from college with honors... A lady with a husband and two children who taught for "X" amount of years and was dedicated to her profession...Someone who was always on a diet, trying to get skinny and then gaining it back? Will it be for someone who was dedicated to Christ and it showed from the inside out? When you look at pictures or photographs, you normally see a smile; whether or not the person is "smiling" on the inside. I hope that now and years from now, it can be said that I always (okay-mostly) had a smile on my face, that I always wanted to help others, and that it was evident that I loved Jesus. After all, isn't that what living is really all about??

Friday, September 26, 2008

Busy, Busy

Addi giving her "scary face" while eating
ice cream.

Clayton doing his homework (and smiling while doing so!!)

I don't know about you, but this was a wild week for me! I'm glad it's over... Addison started out with a fever virus, but now she is better :). I had bunko (and 12 women over at my house) Monday night. You plan and clean for that night-it takes days to clean and minutes to mess up!! Tuesday night we had dinner at a friend's house that Johnny used to work with. Wed. was church. I came home from school that night and crashed- I fell asleep and missed church-woke up at 7:00pm-some cat nap that was! Thur. night, I did absolutely nothing but be with my family-that's where the pictures come in. I didn't even was dishes, fix lunches for today, or do a load of laundry. I'm no Martha Stewart... but I am a mama. I was L-A-Z-Y last night and enjoyed every bit of it. Now I'm paying for it--guess I'll clean up tonight.
My mother-in-law's birthday is tomorrow, so we'll be going to Utica to visit with her and Great Grandma, who is almost 83 yrs. old. The weekend will fly by, and another week will be off to a start. Have a blessed weekend! Enjoy your worship this Sunday. I hope no one in our family is sick, so we can go!!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Just for Fun

The other day, I was reading Barbie Bassett's blog where she referenced Okay, I tried this silly thing. When you have nothing else to do...HA!!! try this. It's silly, but fun and good for a lot of laughs. I saved some of the pics, but they're in the wrong format, and I couldn't get them to post. Maybe I can get my hubby to help me tomorrow. :)

Monday, September 22, 2008

The Case of the Fever Virus

This weekend we have been held hostage in our home due to the fever virus. Addi woke up Friday at midnight burning with fever. She still had some last night. I have been trying to clean the house to get ready for Bunko tonight and take care of a sick child... I'm tired. This is a picture of her napping in the floor. As you can tell, I let her wear whatever she wanted. I sure wasn't in the mood to fight that battle!! She woke up fever-free this morning for the first time since this started-so maybe she's on the mend. I hope she doesn't pass anything along to us or her brother! Have a wonderful day!

Friday, September 12, 2008


WHEW!! What a week this has been!! For some reason, this week seemed to drag by. Earlier this week, I found myself thinking that it must be a full moon. My students were extra talkative and Clayton had a "not so good" week at school. Well, tonight, I noticed the most beautiful, full moon. I knew I had to be right. It seems like whenever our students are extra "wired" the moon is full, for some reason.
As we all remember the tragedy of 9-11, one of my autistic students is fixated on that day. So yesterday was draining for me.
Johnny came home today sick, which he never does. He hasn't even gotten out of the bed. For some reason, I thought I could clean out my almost 3yr.old's closet--with her right under me...
This morning, I called to check on my in-laws that live in Houston, Tx. They didn't leave during Hurricane Ike. I talked to Johnny's dad this morning. He said they were expecting 80-85mph winds. His daughter & 3 kids were coming to stay during the storm. My mind has been on them all day. This has been a mentally-draining week.
Addison is in K3 at her daycare and she learned her 1st Bible verse this week: Rom.3:23"All have sinned and come short of the glory of God." That was the highlight of my week to hear her say that!!

Friday, September 5, 2008


I said I would "get back with the rest of the story" about Heaven's Journey quartet. Yes, I know. There's 5 in the picture. One of them is the piano player. I resigned about 2 weeks ago. This Sat., Sept. 6 was supposed to be the last time I sang with them, but the event we were going to sing at has been rained out due to 'Ol Gustav. Last Sun. afternoon on the way to sing at the church in the picture, they said, "We found an alto to replace you." I have to admit-that felt a little wierd. I know that this is the right thing for me to do right now. I told them if they couldn't find someone, I would stay until they did. So I guess this is God's way of telling me it's time to move on. Besides, there's still choir and worship team, which I love.
While I'm at it, please remember the people in the Natchez area in your prayers. That's where my husband and I are from. My in-laws got electricity back Tues. night and my mom and step-dad got theirs Thurs. Some areas are still without. They were hit pretty hard. That city will always be my "home"-I was born there and lived there until I married at age 23. I can't wait to go down there and "see for myself" instead of hearing from family and on the news.
Have a blessed evening!

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Something Neat Happened...

Something very unique happened to me yesterday, and I wanted to share with you. I have shared in my profile that I am a middle school teacher. I am an inclusion teacher; meaning that I teach special ed., but I go into the reg. ed. class and work with the students that have learning disabilities. Never thought I'd be doing this-I know it's how the Lord works. Because of what I do, I can't share all the details, due to confidentiality. What happened yesterday-words can't describe-I have to share.
I had a student that I needed to call home about because work wasn't being turned in, etc. I asked mom to see if she could look at home for any of this work that might be stashed away in his room or under his bed. This is 7th grade... She began to tell me what a struggle they had been through with him since birth. She talked about how he had always been so hyper and strong-willed. She went on to explain her story and struggles as a parent. Everything she was telling me was like a carbon copy of what we went through at that age with Clayton. She started talking about faith and how God helped them through. I chimed right on in. I think for ONCE, I could really, clearly, honestly see now why God sent me and Johnny these struggles as parents and sent me to teach sped. For once in a very long time, it was crystal clear. I had the biggest "ah ha" moment yesterday. I cannot explain it. I started out teaching reg. ed. children and wanted to try sped. for something new. I got certified in that area, and my principal won't let me leave. Every year, I hear that still small voice tell me, "I have a plan-do it My way." Every year, I still ask to be put back in reg. ed. class, except this year-I did not ask. I told the mom that when Clayton was about 4 years old, I prayed that God would use me to reach someone through him and our experiences with him. Most of my students are ADHD, some do not take medication, so my days are a challenge to deal with this kind of thing ALL day long. Like I said, words can't describe what happened yesterday. It was just so awesome how I went to call this lady and God finally revealed how he was using me and my 8 year old son-and I was able to talk about my Lord to a parent in a public school setting!! It was amazing. I think it was a conversation I will never forget.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

These are the latest "portrait pictures" of the children. It was a miracle getting them to pose
together without actually teasing each other!! Good thing I got that moment in pictures. Sorry they're not arranged very cute on the blog. I have a screaming 2 1/2 yr. old begging to take a bath while I'm trying to blog AND cook supper!! I guess the princess needs to be clean at all times!! LOL...

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Being Blessed Through Trying Times

Little Addison, the one who calls herself "Barbie Princess", has been up during the night going on 4 nights now. I'm a mama who loves her sleepy time-so this 4-5 hours of sleep a night are wearing me down... We had every intention of going to her little friend from church's birthday party yesterday. She's been talking about it for a week. She thinks Lacy is her sister. She started crying with her ear, but she only really fusses with it at night. She had tubes, but at the last visit a month ago, one tube was on its way out. The only other symptoms besides ultra wineyness, if that's a word, is a nasty runny nose. I can't decide whether to keep going with tylenol and zyrtec or call the doctor. My husband says I'm a hypochondriac, but we moms all know our babies, now don't we??? I do know that being up in the wee hours for 4 nights certainly isn't normal. I type, I hear caughing. Yep! hypo or not-I think we'll be calling the doc. Oh, the joys of being a parent...
Sharing in this blog is like journaling for me. I like to share what God is doing in my life-and in my families'. This morning, I was looking for a scripture that was appropriate for this blog but one that would speak to me. I can feel my "gripey" attitude taking over, and that is not one that is becoming for a lady of the King. As so many times before, I turned my Bible open to a page, and it landed on something I felt appropriate. Num.6:24-27. "The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace. So they will put my name on the Isrealites, and I will bless them." I am no Bible scholar, but in reading this today, I learned that God was talking to Moses. This message was for Moses to tell Aaron & his sons how to bless the Isrealites. Then he went on with the verses 24-27. I was really humbled by reading this today. The Lord blesses me (and keeps on), even through all my whining and complaining. "The Lord make his face to shine upon you." I have to say, lately, God's face has not been shining through my tired, grumpy self. I was sittin' here thinking, I guess that's another week we have to miss church because she's not feeling good. Why can't she be sick during the week & I won't have to pay extra $25 to take her to after hours clinic? Hello--she was sick Wed-and I missed work-so I should be thankful I only missed one day. (I know this will be gone in another year or so~as she gets older.) But God blesses me anyway-I wear his name and he blesses me!! Isn't He good???
It never ceases to amaze me how something that was written so many years ago is still true today, and we can pull scripture that our Savior used to speak to holy people, such as Paul, Moses, John,Noah, etc... and allow Him to speak to us. Such a simple concept, but still so amazing to me.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

I need to vent

Mon. night when I got home from Bunko, supper was still all over the stove-dishes everywhere. It was almost 10pm. I quietly tried to clean up the dishes, put away left over food and make lunches for the next day. Just as I was going to bed, Addi (almost 3) started to cry. Now at 10:24 pm, I swooped her out of bed, trying not to wake anyone. Long story short-we were up till 11:30 watching Hanna Montana. During that time, I noticed she'd given herself a haircut while I was at bunko...
Last night-3:30 AM!! I heard little wimpers followed by, "I frow up..." I go check it out, changed the sheets, figured it was probably just some reflux, drainage, whatever you want to call it. But I also figured more was probably in store. Yep, I was right. More was in store... So we're still up at 4:30! I guess I'll be at home today. Maybe I can at least get the house picked up (or blog without Johnny asking, "Would you get off that stupid thing?!?")
Ya'll have a good day!
It's All Good

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Today is filled with "churchly" duties, such as baby shower for Sunday school member. Of course, our class is giving it, so I have to be there early to set up and then clean up afterwards. Quartet practice is today at 5-then church afterwards. You know how it is... I hate to say it, but we were so busy this weekend, and I knew today was going to be worse, that we didn't even make it to church this morning! That's awful that you're so busy-and "church duties" even keep you away from church. I hope I'm not the only one that's ever been this way!! I cover it up with, "I know God understands." But that's sorry. I owe him much more dedication than that. Singing in gospel quartet, worship team, choir... ugghh--I'm feeling really "served" out right about now. And we haven't even started on Christmas music!! Serving should be a part of worship, not feeling like WORK. Am I right?
Teaching is really going to be a lot of mental stress this year, because my students have a lot of needs. Sweet as pie, thank goodness, but needy. I am also team leader and a Beta Club Sponsor, which has extra meetings and responsibilities. My boss picked me to be a mentor to a new teacher. I did it last year for the school district. This year it's something for MDE. So I'm SURE it will be some added paper work, etc. that I don't know about. Are you feeling my worries about being stressed? I know God has a plan, but I have to have sense about saying no to things that I can and should. Please pray for me. I have a decision to make about the gospel quartet. I've been praying about it for several months. I think I know what to do... Stay tuned for the rest of the story.

Thursday, August 14, 2008


After working for 9 long months at losing weight,
I have finally reached my "first" goal; which was
to weigh what I did before I got pregnant with
Addi. My main goal was to lose 78 lbs to put me
at my ideal BMI weight. I knew I needed to break
that down for myself. Last week I "partied in the
pantry" a little too much and gained 3 pounds!!
So I'm back to it again-not a diet so much-but this
new lifestyle that I've had to adjust to because of
the diabetes issues. The weight loss has been a
nice plus-today I wore an outfit I haven't felt
comfortable wearing in over EIGHT years! I
have 33 lbs to go!! I toil on, but I remember
the verse that has been so precious to me time
& time again: Joshua 1:9 "Have I not
commanded you? Be strong and cour-
ageous. Do not be afraid; do not be
discouraged, for the Lord your God
will be with you wherever you go."

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

My How Time Goes By

Yesterday was a day that I've been
dreading for quite some while. It
was 5 years since I've lost my daddy
to cancer. Aug. 12 is a day I never
thought would never mean anything
to me. I guess you could say it's kind
of bitter sweet. I know this is selfish,
but Dad died a week before my birthday.
So now, birthdays are kind of a bummer
every year. But I know that Dad's in Heaven
with my Heavenly Father. What a wonderful
peace to have!! I really do miss him-so bad.
Thank goodness I have such a good "closeness"
with my mom. She and I have really helped
each other through, along with my brother.
Time has flown. Five years ago I never
thought I would have made it. God's grace and
power has been and still is just enough. He is
so good. I think about friends of mine at work
that have lost their parents that I've tried to
minister to. Sadly, some of them didn't have
that relationship like my dad and I had. Even
sadder, some of them doubted that they were
saved. I am so blessed to know that my parents
were right with the Lord so I don't have to wonder.
That is the best gift you can give your children, by far!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

The Drama of a Mama

Today I came home from our last staff day before starting school tomorrow, and things were hectic, as usual. I was talking to a close friend on my cell phone. It was important to us. Addi was not wanting to get out of the car-pushing every button on and beside the steering wheel. Clayton was excited to play with his buds he hadn't seen all day and started asking for his bike--all of this while I was dealing with mama drama (that was very important) on the phone. Clayton started to ask, "Where's my bike? I can't find it. It's been stolen!" I figured his dad had hidden it; trying to teach him a lesson about putting his things away. Then he brings me a business card off the front door that was from the Police Dept. My heart immediately sank down to my stomach. Then I read on the back of the card, "I have your son's bike. It was stolen. Please call me." Honestly, with being at the school so much, I didn't even realize it was missing. All of a sudden, I had my own "real" drama to deal with. Somebody had messed with my baby!! The bike (and 4 others) was stolen by a group of boys Mon. night-after Clayton was through playing that evening. He was with me at my school at "Meet the Teachers" until last night at about 7pm. So he didn't get to play outside. Therefore, he didn't notice it until today. The boy that took his was only 14, and one of them was 10. They were all arrested. He had gotten his bike for Christmas, and it looked practically brand new. The thugs that took it painted it-stole and 8 yr. old's bike and painted it. Suddenly, I was wishing I could turn into Wonder Woman, the super hero that was my favorite when I was his age. Then I could use my super powers, fix the bike, have my way with those juvenile delinquents, and all would be right with the world.
After talking to my mom, who had helped us get the bike, because everywhere in the Jackson area was sold out of the one he wanted, she helped me feel a lot better about things. At least the boy was honest about stealing the bike. That's how they found out it came from our house. We have to get it tomorrow from the police station--maybe the new paint job they gave it will not be too bad. He cried when I told him, but it will be okay. Today taught me a great lesson in humility. I wanted to scream about justice and punishment to my son. But instead, God lead me towards teaching him(again) about forgiveness and praying for your enemy. Talk about difficult! If our children do not learn it from us, then who will they get it from? That is something to think about.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008


Teacher Today was "Meet the Teacher" Day at our school. As a teacher, I'm excited to get started to a new year-excited to see what all their 7th grade minds will soak up in one year. Of course, after hearing all the "NCLB" (No Child Left Behind) "stuff" that we are faced with, it is a bit nerve-racking. But we put on a happy face, chose our attitude, and did what we had to do. The kids are comin'! The kids are comin'! We will feel like Paul Revere on some days, I'm sure. Right now, everything is fresh and new. Everyone's smiling, laughing, and happy to be at school. It's an exciting place to be. I know... by SEPT. 1, we'll be ready for a break!! I'm just glad we had a few weeks off and get a new start-the kids too! It was great to see some of the faces that popped in just to say,"Hi". I have to admit, that's always a good feelin'!! Well, I better get some rest, 'cause like it or not, "The kids are comin'! The kids are comin'!"

Thursday, July 31, 2008

When Changes for the Better Still Don't Work

I'm such a goob! I tried to comment on another person's page, so I thought, and I commented on my own page. I do good to check email, much less, have my own blog page!! So if you check under "comments" on one of them and it shows message has been deleted by blog owner... I was trying to take off where I commented to someone else on my page. I know... but it's late...
Well now to what's on my heart. Some of you reading this, if anyone is reading, may have already talked to me today and listened to me spill my guts about what is on my mind. Funny that I chose to type in red... I went to the doctor the other day for a follow up visit to get my blood gluclose levels checked. When I first went in May, levels were high. Doctor said get on a diabetic diet, walk everyday (whatever), eat fruit, and lose what I can by August. Thank you very much. She was nicer than that, but you get the point. Well, that day, May 1, I made a drastic change. Adios carbohydrates! So long sodas. Hello greens and wheat. I knew I had to do this or I could really be bad off at a young age. My dad was in his 30's when he developed diabetes, and suddenly I was seeing my future play out like his and I didn't want that to happen.
Long story short, I really tried hard, except for the excercise part. That was tough. I would do some excercises, but not the "30 min. walk" that I knew the doctor was talking about. On the eating part, I made a lot of changes. Even my family is eating healthier. We're also saving money, because we're not eating out as often. I've grown closer to God during this time, because I will now pray or read the Bible instead of eat. When I'm bored, I'll read a scripture and try to memorize it, instead of eating bowl of chips and watching Montel. I have prayed for God to give me a new desire, a healthy one, for food, and I believe He has. I am a lot more patient with my children (and usually my hubby :) ) because I'm spending more time in prayer and in His word. In almost 3 months, I've lost 17 1/2 lbs! I was so excited--on cloud 9! The doctor even said I could get off my blood pressure med. if I lost 10 more lbs. I was feeling H-O-T yesterday! Well, today, I got "the call" from the doctor's office. After doing everything I've done, my sugar levels were UP by 10 points! Now I have to go back to see them again and talk with someone about managing my diabetes with diet--since I obviously couldn't do it alone. I surely can say it's not for the lack of trying. I mustered up everything I could not to cry on the phone. Then I just cried a river--I think I needed Noah's boat. I know it's not the end of the world. I know there are worse things. My dad had diabetes and cancer. I saw him go through those, and now he's with the Lord. I know how thankful I am. I was just really having me one really big pity party! Every time I thought about it, I would cry. "Lord, I don't understand, all this work... I've tried so hard... I've lost weight like I had to. I'm eating better-why aren't I any better? why?" Then I picked up my already opened Bible. Before I turned the page, I prayed and asked the Lord to show me where he needed me to read from. I looked down, and these beautiful words were on the page, speaking and ministering to me:Ps.61:1-5 "Hear my cry, O God; listen to my prayer. From the ends of the earth I call to you, I call as my heart grows faint; lead me to the rock that is higher than I. For you have been my refuge, a strong tower against the foe. I long to dwell in your tent forever and take refuge in the shelter of you wings. For you have heard my vows, O God." Is that not mighty? As I read that, I began to cry some more. It was like a perfect prayer that God had given me right there in his Word.
I don't know what's gonna happen with all this blood sugar and diabetes stuff. On my part, I know what I have to do, but the rest is up to the Lord.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Belly Fat and Saggy Boobs

I recently read Barbie Bassett's blog commenting where some TV viewers had emailed in about her still looking pregnant after just having her baby. Barbie said that the viewers wanted to why everything looked so good except for her belly fat and her "sagging bosoms." In the blog she defended that she had just had a baby only 15 weeks prior and that she was on a strict diet/exercise program. She claimed that she had lost 12 lbs. and had 30 more to reach her goal weight to be at pre-pregnancy size (I wish!!) She then promised that with a little patience from viewers, she would be down to her HS size. She continued to say that she had spent much time crying over these hurtful emails. How rude and hurtful some of the comments were. I just can't believe some of the thing that people would say--and we wonder why teenagers are throwing up their food so they can fit in!
Of course, there were many people that commented with their support. My mom always taught me "pretty is, as pretty does". That is what matters. God looks at what is in the heart. In my own way, I try to teach that to my middle school students. I have battled with weight nearly all of my life. I have an 8 yr. old and 2 yr. old. It has taken two years to get off the baby weight from having Addison. I think back to being teased when I was young, and it still hurts. Even today, I am often teased by students. I've sometimes cried the whole drive home because of things they've said about me and my weight. That saying, "Stick and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me"-- How untrue of a saying that is. As I read Barbie's blog & all the wonderful comments (I even commented myself), I thought, "Have I ever said or done anything to hurt anyone not meaning to? " Of course, you know the answer to that... God spoke to me and reminded me that we must be careful of what we say, for we do all have feelings. You know the saying, "If you don't have anything nice to say..."
I do not even know if anyone will even read this. It was just on my heart after reading the blog and I couldn't sleep (notice the time...) . You know, I'm so glad that God loves me and He made me, big hips, big boobs, and all!
Dolled Up