Wednesday, August 13, 2008

My How Time Goes By

Yesterday was a day that I've been
dreading for quite some while. It
was 5 years since I've lost my daddy
to cancer. Aug. 12 is a day I never
thought would never mean anything
to me. I guess you could say it's kind
of bitter sweet. I know this is selfish,
but Dad died a week before my birthday.
So now, birthdays are kind of a bummer
every year. But I know that Dad's in Heaven
with my Heavenly Father. What a wonderful
peace to have!! I really do miss him-so bad.
Thank goodness I have such a good "closeness"
with my mom. She and I have really helped
each other through, along with my brother.
Time has flown. Five years ago I never
thought I would have made it. God's grace and
power has been and still is just enough. He is
so good. I think about friends of mine at work
that have lost their parents that I've tried to
minister to. Sadly, some of them didn't have
that relationship like my dad and I had. Even
sadder, some of them doubted that they were
saved. I am so blessed to know that my parents
were right with the Lord so I don't have to wonder.
That is the best gift you can give your children, by far!

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