Monday, September 22, 2008

The Case of the Fever Virus

This weekend we have been held hostage in our home due to the fever virus. Addi woke up Friday at midnight burning with fever. She still had some last night. I have been trying to clean the house to get ready for Bunko tonight and take care of a sick child... I'm tired. This is a picture of her napping in the floor. As you can tell, I let her wear whatever she wanted. I sure wasn't in the mood to fight that battle!! She woke up fever-free this morning for the first time since this started-so maybe she's on the mend. I hope she doesn't pass anything along to us or her brother! Have a wonderful day!


Samantha said...

Poor baby! I hope she is 100% soon!!

The Burns Crew said...

I am so glad Addi is better...Lacy is still struggling with her crud. You did a great job hosting Bunco! The food was great! The prizes were stinks that I didnt win anything. :oP
Y'all be blessed!