Friday, June 1, 2012

God Has A Plan

     Thinking back over the last school year, I'm proud of my two children and what they accomplished. My oldest, Clayton, walked out of the doors of his upper elementary school for the last time on May 22, 2012. He received honors this year and tried out for band (and made it). 
     On the other hand, my youngest child, Addison, explored a world exiting and new to her...KINDERGARTEN! I don't know who was more nervous and scared. Of course, with me having dyslexia, I was afraid that those tendencies would appear in her reading and writing (aside from the normal kindergartener). She excelled and did far above average in school. Needless to say, I was relieved...and proud.  
     Both children played ball, one just beginning, one played his final game last week. The six year old still claims her grossness for boys and admits that "all boys have cooties, except for Daddy." Clayton has recently become unshy about liking girls. He used to get mad if I asked if he liked anyone or thought girls were cute. Now he just says, "Maybe..." or, "Girls are hot". He's keeping his room clean, so that makes me happy. 

                                       ~ Addi and her Kindergarten teacher after graduation~

     More than anything, I can see them growing-growing, educationally, maturely, and spiritually. I was a little depressed because it was the "last" of everything. Instead of being sad, God made me realize I need to be happy my children grew enough to move to the next step in their lives.