Sunday, October 19, 2008

Happy Birthday Mary Addison!!

Today is Addi's 3rd birthday!! In the pictures on the bottom, she was opening her Barbie movie and licking the cake batter. The pictures on the top are the ones I took to make her invitation. Can't you tell she LOVES to be in pictures?? Her brother, on the other hand, could care less.

Yesterday, my cousin, Jeffrey Waycaster got married in Hazelhurst. The reception was somewhere in Brookhaven. Addi had the best time. I got to see family and old church friends that I grew up with and haven't seen in a while. She figured out that she loves to dance!! She danced from the time we arrived until we had to leave. You asked her if she shook her booty on the dance floor, and she starts dancing again. It was fun. She'll have her party next Sat., since today was Sunday--too much stuff to do with church. I hope you have a blessed week! God is good... All the time!

1 comment:

Samantha said...

What precious pictures!!!!