Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Belly Fat and Saggy Boobs

I recently read Barbie Bassett's blog commenting where some TV viewers had emailed in about her still looking pregnant after just having her baby. Barbie said that the viewers wanted to why everything looked so good except for her belly fat and her "sagging bosoms." In the blog she defended that she had just had a baby only 15 weeks prior and that she was on a strict diet/exercise program. She claimed that she had lost 12 lbs. and had 30 more to reach her goal weight to be at pre-pregnancy size (I wish!!) She then promised that with a little patience from viewers, she would be down to her HS size. She continued to say that she had spent much time crying over these hurtful emails. How rude and hurtful some of the comments were. I just can't believe some of the thing that people would say--and we wonder why teenagers are throwing up their food so they can fit in!
Of course, there were many people that commented with their support. My mom always taught me "pretty is, as pretty does". That is what matters. God looks at what is in the heart. In my own way, I try to teach that to my middle school students. I have battled with weight nearly all of my life. I have an 8 yr. old and 2 yr. old. It has taken two years to get off the baby weight from having Addison. I think back to being teased when I was young, and it still hurts. Even today, I am often teased by students. I've sometimes cried the whole drive home because of things they've said about me and my weight. That saying, "Stick and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me"-- How untrue of a saying that is. As I read Barbie's blog & all the wonderful comments (I even commented myself), I thought, "Have I ever said or done anything to hurt anyone not meaning to? " Of course, you know the answer to that... God spoke to me and reminded me that we must be careful of what we say, for we do all have feelings. You know the saying, "If you don't have anything nice to say..."
I do not even know if anyone will even read this. It was just on my heart after reading the blog and I couldn't sleep (notice the time...) . You know, I'm so glad that God loves me and He made me, big hips, big boobs, and all!
Dolled Up


The Burns Crew said...

Amen Sister...I love reading Barbie's blog..I have it added as one of my fav's. I think you beautiful inside and out!

Samantha said...

I feel your pain and am also thankful that God loves us from the inside out. I came to your site from Barbie's page having seen we both left the "pretty is as pretty does" comment. My grandmother use to tell me that all the time.

The Mathis Bunch said...
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