Friday, September 26, 2008

Busy, Busy

Addi giving her "scary face" while eating
ice cream.

Clayton doing his homework (and smiling while doing so!!)

I don't know about you, but this was a wild week for me! I'm glad it's over... Addison started out with a fever virus, but now she is better :). I had bunko (and 12 women over at my house) Monday night. You plan and clean for that night-it takes days to clean and minutes to mess up!! Tuesday night we had dinner at a friend's house that Johnny used to work with. Wed. was church. I came home from school that night and crashed- I fell asleep and missed church-woke up at 7:00pm-some cat nap that was! Thur. night, I did absolutely nothing but be with my family-that's where the pictures come in. I didn't even was dishes, fix lunches for today, or do a load of laundry. I'm no Martha Stewart... but I am a mama. I was L-A-Z-Y last night and enjoyed every bit of it. Now I'm paying for it--guess I'll clean up tonight.
My mother-in-law's birthday is tomorrow, so we'll be going to Utica to visit with her and Great Grandma, who is almost 83 yrs. old. The weekend will fly by, and another week will be off to a start. Have a blessed weekend! Enjoy your worship this Sunday. I hope no one in our family is sick, so we can go!!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Just for Fun

The other day, I was reading Barbie Bassett's blog where she referenced Okay, I tried this silly thing. When you have nothing else to do...HA!!! try this. It's silly, but fun and good for a lot of laughs. I saved some of the pics, but they're in the wrong format, and I couldn't get them to post. Maybe I can get my hubby to help me tomorrow. :)

Monday, September 22, 2008

The Case of the Fever Virus

This weekend we have been held hostage in our home due to the fever virus. Addi woke up Friday at midnight burning with fever. She still had some last night. I have been trying to clean the house to get ready for Bunko tonight and take care of a sick child... I'm tired. This is a picture of her napping in the floor. As you can tell, I let her wear whatever she wanted. I sure wasn't in the mood to fight that battle!! She woke up fever-free this morning for the first time since this started-so maybe she's on the mend. I hope she doesn't pass anything along to us or her brother! Have a wonderful day!

Friday, September 12, 2008


WHEW!! What a week this has been!! For some reason, this week seemed to drag by. Earlier this week, I found myself thinking that it must be a full moon. My students were extra talkative and Clayton had a "not so good" week at school. Well, tonight, I noticed the most beautiful, full moon. I knew I had to be right. It seems like whenever our students are extra "wired" the moon is full, for some reason.
As we all remember the tragedy of 9-11, one of my autistic students is fixated on that day. So yesterday was draining for me.
Johnny came home today sick, which he never does. He hasn't even gotten out of the bed. For some reason, I thought I could clean out my almost 3yr.old's closet--with her right under me...
This morning, I called to check on my in-laws that live in Houston, Tx. They didn't leave during Hurricane Ike. I talked to Johnny's dad this morning. He said they were expecting 80-85mph winds. His daughter & 3 kids were coming to stay during the storm. My mind has been on them all day. This has been a mentally-draining week.
Addison is in K3 at her daycare and she learned her 1st Bible verse this week: Rom.3:23"All have sinned and come short of the glory of God." That was the highlight of my week to hear her say that!!

Friday, September 5, 2008


I said I would "get back with the rest of the story" about Heaven's Journey quartet. Yes, I know. There's 5 in the picture. One of them is the piano player. I resigned about 2 weeks ago. This Sat., Sept. 6 was supposed to be the last time I sang with them, but the event we were going to sing at has been rained out due to 'Ol Gustav. Last Sun. afternoon on the way to sing at the church in the picture, they said, "We found an alto to replace you." I have to admit-that felt a little wierd. I know that this is the right thing for me to do right now. I told them if they couldn't find someone, I would stay until they did. So I guess this is God's way of telling me it's time to move on. Besides, there's still choir and worship team, which I love.
While I'm at it, please remember the people in the Natchez area in your prayers. That's where my husband and I are from. My in-laws got electricity back Tues. night and my mom and step-dad got theirs Thurs. Some areas are still without. They were hit pretty hard. That city will always be my "home"-I was born there and lived there until I married at age 23. I can't wait to go down there and "see for myself" instead of hearing from family and on the news.
Have a blessed evening!